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Version: Summer 21

Assignment 2

  1. Create a fork of the course material
  2. Clone the repo locally(or on giant).
  3. Open up docs/
  4. Add your name and semester to the Alumni table, and a link to your intro project.
  5. Create a PR to the main repo.
  6. Drop a link to the PR in the eLearning assignment comments(For example

Your repo will be checked for the work we've done so far. Things we're looking for:

  1. An initial commit adding a README (2 points)
  2. A merge of a branch called make (2 points)
  3. A README with instructions on how to run your code. (2 points)
  4. Do the instructions in your README work? Does make run or does it fail for example? (2 points)

Creating the PR on your own is worth 2 points. This is testing your ability to follow documentation and then apply it. If you can't figure it out a link to your repo in the eLearning assignment will be fine to get graded on the rest.